Meshed Networks - The next generation of high speed residental area networks.
Cheap setup, free interconnection, inexpensive two-way broadband internet access
Interactive community, with the freedom the express an unrealised creative potential.
Yours Now! -- Email the Helpdesk: help at mesh.net.nz

Mesh|net web & email hosting and domain services

Mesh|net offer a comprehensive email, web and domain hosting service, utilising the highly versatile cPanel interface. Plans start from $2NZD/year for basic email only or DNS hosting, to our promotional $50NZD/year basic host with a .com or .org address included and full pop3/imap/webmail email access, PHP 7.2 for server side dynamic content and MySQL database. Other packages from $15/GB/yr. eCommerce ready.

Our aim is to provide services at a cost plus basis, to ensure you get the best value possible.



WDANZ - Web Video - Presentation - Find us on Twitter @Meshnetnz or Facebook at MeshnetHQ